Amadeo Brands

Web & Business developer – where IT and business meet

Relevance Engine

Relevance Engine Mendix portfolio case. The portfolio case I made is called Relevance Engine. This fictive Mendix portfolio case is created for ComTel, a company which is looking for a single point of entry that gives helpdesk employees all the customer data they need, such as CRM, financial data (billing and contracts), network data and so on.

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I made this case as a test for my job application at Pink Elephant. The end goal is that whenever a customer calls with a complaint, question, or other issue, their request will be processed effectively and without having to transfer the call to another department. This portfolio case shows a proof of concept of the Mendix possibilities for ComTel’s demands. The development time of this application was just three days. Without Mendix it would have taken significantly longer to build an application with the same possibilities. Software development is an iterative process and the next step in development will normally be the further collection of requirements and the further set-up of the platform. You can log in via the following credentials: Username: Administrator Password: KxkDrfeV18 Schermafbeelding 2016-06-28 om 20.39.37 Schermafbeelding 2016-06-28 om 20.39.58 Schermafbeelding 2016-06-28 om 20.40.15 Schermafbeelding 2016-06-28 om 20.40.35